For this week we had to build a personal website and push it into the class archive. I had some experience in Web development before joining the Fab Academy, so I am familiar with the tools and programs for creating and maintaining a website. At first, I wanted to write a custom designed website, but as we have only a week, I wouldn’t do it properly, so decided to use a template and make changes on that.
The links below will help in work with code as well as instaling and using git.
As an essential tool for having and maintaining the website, one should have a text editor. In the variety of them I feel comfortable with Visual Studio code. It has some cool options such as showing untracked files, unsaved files how many files are not merged with git. Also it supports many programming languages and offers tags and codes as soon as you pressed the first letter. So first of all I downloaded it from the official website. It can detect your operating system and automatically offers the version that you have to download. Afterwords, I installed it on my computer.
It’s time to choose a template and start working on it. I found out that “Miniport” template on HTML5Up meets almost all the requirements that I need and downloaded it.
After downloading and unzipping the template I started adjusting it to me. For that following steps are needed.
Open Visual Studio Code, go to File- Open Folder- find the folder with the template and press OK
HTML <li> <a href="week1.html">Week 1</a> <div>Project Management</div> </li> CSS #nav li a + div { display: none; position: absolute; background-color: white; border: 2px solid #696d6e; border-radius: 5px; font-size: 16px; line-height: 30px; color: #696d6e; font-family: cursive; min-width: 160px; padding: 0 10px; z-index: 1; } #nav li a:hover + div { display: inline-block; }
< a href=”the location of the file” download= “”> Here will be a downloadable file < /a>
Before starting work, I had to install Ubuntu on my laptop. For that I followed step-by-step instruction from the Ubuntu official website.
Those are 11 easy steps to follow and you will have Ubuntu on your computer
Afterwords I started to setup git. I started with git tutorial from FabAcademy website, but had some issues and found this document which was created by one of the previous students.
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "your email addres for FabAcademy"
git config --global "your username"
git config --global "your registered email"
command and if ther is a .git file there, you are in the proper folder. Otherwise run cd/
and the path to your folder.git status
–will show untracked fies git add
–add the file name, which you want to push or –all to add all files git status
–will will show files which are ready to commit git commit -m "some message you want to add"
–add here some comment which is assosiated to the changes you have madegit push
–if you have cloned with HTTPS, it will ask your username and password, otherwise push will be done You can find more Unix commands here.
During this week I designed my personal website and uploaded information about my final project there. Even though I was familiar with web development, during this time I’ve learnt some new things such as including selectable code in the website, making files downloadable. The main challenge for me is tracking sizes of images, videos and files on the website, as I have never thought about that before.
February 1, 2022